Home 'merica Trump Putin

Trump Putin

written by Uncle Sam October 18, 2016


Anybody from Brooklyn!

I’m getting in a lot of fights with Hillary supporters lately – people attacking me for saying I’d vote for Trump before Clinton. OK, so I’m the only guy in America who has said this. But I would. Why? Because I want a president that I enjoy listening to, or at least that I can stand to look at. That is my sine qua non requirement. I must be able to stand them. And I can’t stand Hillary. Her shrill lying screaming fake pushy broad thing does not work for me. And, as we get closer, I increasingly find it hard to stand people who support her. Because why would you?

Say what you want about Trump, and I do, and he sure as hell does, but anyways, one good thing about Trump, he’s said stuff nobody has ever said who is a major party frontrunner. And that, my friends, is something he has in common with only one other candidate: Bernie Sanders.

Trump would refer to sleazebag Anthony Weiner as “One of the great sleazebags of our time.” Who talks like that and leads the Republican field 2:1? Now, when you think of what Weiner had on his shoulders, being the first Jew in congress to marry a Muslim, the fact that he took on so many of the corporate sleazebags, that he was such a rising star, his idiocy and selfishness does deserve the kind of excortiation that Trump gave. Just check out Weiner ripping into the 9/11 haters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqJxp7w919o.

This is something I used to be so proud of. Now it just shows what an ass he is. So when you think about what Anthony Weiner betrayed, the promise he forsook, well, it makes the way Trump savages Huma warm my heart.

Trump was asked about something he said in a previous interview about how corrupt the American political system is. He agreed: “When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.” What major presidential contender has even come close to saying that? Here’s a good story:

“You’d better believe it,” Trump continued. “If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I’ve given to, just so you understand, a lot of money.”

Without missing a beat, the real estate tycoon continued: “I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them, and they are there for me.” He added, “And that’s a broken system.”

At another point, Trump said that the U.S. health care system is badly designed because “the insurance companies … have total control of the politicians” with which they’re “making a fortune.” And this is the Republican front runner! Who else talks like that? Bernie!

Trump tweeted: “I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?” Could have been Bernie!

Trump Defends Putin’s Murder of Journalists: ‘Our Country Does Plenty of Killing Also’

So everybody is freaking out about Trump, and I am so tired of this bourgois hoity toity offense to meanignless titterings (literally twittrerings) when there are real issues happening.

Let’s be clear. For the first time ni the history of ever, the most powerful nation on heart has a guy leading one of the major parties nomination who has been honest about the US govtnert adn what America erally is. And, to some extent that the left has not acknowledged, for the first time we have not just one super honest, or, as I would charactarize it, freakishly honest, candidate, but we have nother one who at least in this context is just as honest: Trump.

You can getupset he made sexists comments, or is a ig, or an oaf, a blowhard, etc. These are l;et just allow correct critiequeds of somebody’s peronality

but what is the worst thing he’s said. that mccain isn’t a hero. that’s his opinion. that he’s a germaphobe (as many right wingers are btw) and can’t handle bodily fluids (uirne, blood) from women. THat’s sad, veryimmature sexually, but, again, very typical of right wingers all aroudn the world. ANd I’m not trying to trivialize the ijmportance of a persona;s views on personal hygene or sexual relations. they are important.

but no wehre’s nearly as important as bieng honest about the rich and pweroful chocking us to daerth and our being to proper or cowed or dumb or stoned or otherwise hypnitce to stop it in time. the transcendent, huge, overarching issue ofthis moment is that we are dying as a species, killed by ourown greed and corruption. that’sit. lallthe other stuff is chickenfeed. that’s sanders’ message: nothing else matters if we can’t get the basic waythings work to be fair. all the other problems can’t be solved if the waywe solve problems itself is broken.

it’s a really powerful message. we’re dying. we’re doing it to ourselves. it’s fixable. the way to fix it is to admit it, bring it inot thelight of day, adn be honest. it’s huge.

the prob lem is that the obama clinton axis are part of theproblem. in fact, becasuetheypretend so well to be part ofthe solutiojn they are alot scarier imho than the rightwingnuts, whowill come out and tell you who they are. the most dissembling, full of shit people are notthe republicans. they’re hilary clinton and barack obama. becasuethey are so good at pretending tocare.

there is nothing like looking at the rundown olitany of what’s really happening right now and contrasting that with obama’s shit eating grin.

i have a whole other litany of critieuqes of hilary which really don’t belongin this article, butin a hutsheell, she is not a natural leader, inspires no loyalty in the troops, is not somebody anybody would follow into battle, is even hard to listen to, unpleasant to look at, just an anticharistmatic toad that were she president and something hit the fan, the fisrt dirty bomb int he somsinet suitcase at sfo, a big crater and no electrictiy or phone service inthe pay area for a week, she would mess it up. look at how she runs her camapings. she can’t maange, has noexperience mangaing, isnot a boss, not a person we’re going to trust orr foollwo fi she’sin.

all the world learders will test her, we’ll be gettting stons of shit, she’s polarizing, i really will leave the coutnry if seh’s president. she can’t bepresidetn. ABC. Anyone But Clinton.

Now, onto trump. here’s what hes said in just the last few months.

you cn buy anybody. they just work for on ething: money

idid a thorough search and guess what? nobody’s ever said that before. bill bradley came close, and one could argue that bernie’s campaing is sort of based on it, but then that’s why i say i love bernie too. i tell ya, SOMEBODY from brooklyn better win this election.

he said anthony weiner isa perv. which of course he is. Weiner had something goingfewpolticians had. he had brookelan (agaiun) in his pocket. he was jewish. he was brilliant. he was moral (not perosnaly, but politically, yes, ther can be a difference) and he was a fiery orator (“the gentgleman will sit”) that fought like hell for the good guy. tofuel it, he needed women looking at his dick, touching his dick, etc. which is btw the #1 fuel for that kind of work, hard as it is for america to understand. but that makes him a perv, but who the hell would call him out but donalt trujmp. and i’m with trump onthis, bkz when winer fucked up he fucked a lot of good people up with him. we lost major ground when he went down. he cost us. i’m pissed at him. go donald.

but the media were aghast! you can’t say that! well, i love that hesaid it.

and finally, andthis really is the capstone, adnwhat forced me tow rtie this, the thinga bout putin…
so there’s a few points here:

one: how bad or deadly or wrong or punishibale is it to be not “residentail when you want to be president?” bathroom jokes, etc.

Greta Confronts Trump on ‘Bathroom Jokes’: Shouldn’t You Be Acting More Presidential?

i really don’t care. i personally have always found that kind of theing to be refreshing, if not hilarious.

two: should we be dominizing drimp\

absoutely not. that’sthe way to empower him,to lend credence tohis dualistic world view, and plus it’snote9ntellection honest, or even the bestuseof our brain. he’s who he is. imho, he’s just an average businersman with a missing gene or something that normaly prvents people from speaking their mind. normally we have a block there; he doesn’t . but he strikes me as NOT UNUSUAL at all having met meany new york buseinsspeople in my life. he is average_.

3 how bad is his sexism and jingoism? it’s bad, make nomistaek. even real bad. but it’s just not on the same level as the good that comes form being real. from saying what you actually thjnkk. that is an order of magnidue more imporatnt. i wish he wasn’t a bullyand a pig, but he is. but all these people are whack jobs. i just want soembody who is actually not a composite human being made up of pollsters and handlers and corporate represetnativfes.

i don’t apologize for trump, i just don’t care. that single comment, we kill a lot of people too…the world has been waiting for an american leader to say that for over 100 years. that’s a page right form a people’s history of the united states. i don’t need to apologize for that; trump just apologized for america.

“Donald Trump is absolutely going to be the Republican candidate for president of the United States. It’s going from being a joke to being a serious reality.”

I think that’s in part because my side of of the political fence is the slacker side of the fence,” Moore said. “That even though statistically there’s no way Trump can win, because he’s alienated those three main groups that make up 81 percent of the country, the difference is his side always shows up to vote. My side, not so much.”

Moore insisted bringing Democrats to the polls relies on “picking the candidate who will mostly inspire women, people of color, and young people to come out and vote,” adding his “biggest concern about Hillary right now is her lack of inspiration.”

“She doesn’t get big crowds,” Moore said. “There’s not a lot of excitement about her. Too many young people see her as the same-old, same-old politics. So she is going to have to have a bit of what Obama had and a bit of what Bernie has if she’s going to be the candidate. I honestly believe that Bernie Sanders could be elected president of the United States. I think people will pour out in droves to elect him and there’s just not enough angry white guys anymore over the age of 35 to put Trump in office.”
now, the immigrant thing, that’s intense. so i’m really venturing out on eggshells here but let’s just lok ait it


which is why we should be for him

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